Prawns Available

Medium Tails - approx 40 pieces
Large Tails - approx 30 pieces
Extra Large Tail - approx 25 pieces

Call for current pricing


About Wild BC Spot Prawns

Pacific West Seafood's Spot Prawns are caught by trap along BC's coast. They are flash frozen at sea with their heads off - allowing them to be enjoyed up to 12 months after they have been caught. 

Wild BC Spot Prawns are easily recognized by their reddish brown colour and white spots along their tails. Once cooked, they turn a bright pink. 

More about Wild BC Spot Prawns' Sustainability

How to buy

Contact Muriel or Paul Bevandick to buy your prawns today!


(778) 888-6018

or, fill out the following form (we will get back to you as soon as possible)